South Salem Elder Law Lawyer

Elder Law Lawyer in South Salem, NY

nurse helps elderly man with walker walk to an elder law lawyer in South Salem NYAs an elder law lawyer in South Salem, NY families depend on from Sweeney Legal, LLC would suggest, if your loved one is having an increase in how many days they are sick or continue to develop new symptoms, then nursing home neglect may be the culprit. While nursing home institutions are required to protect the residents from health and safety risks, seniors are still vulnerable to mistreatment. This is even more true if the senior resident has conditions that prevent them from being fully aware of what’s going on around them or have an inability to communicate fully. If your senior relative continues to get new illnesses, then it could point to negligent care or abuse that is causing psychosomatic physical symptoms.


Caregiver Red Flags

Those who work at nursing home facilities are often subjected to extreme amounts of stress, and may be fatigued over how many residents need their help. The nursing facility in itself may fail to hire enough nurses and staff to give each resident the attention that they need. If you visit the facility and notice the workers always seem frustrated, tired, or you don’t notice many of them around at all, then this is a cause for concern. Even if staff are burnt out due to being overworked, there is no excuse for abuse or neglect of senior residents.


Lack Of Sustenance

When you visit your loved one, have you noticed that they seemed frail and withered? Do they appear hydrated, is their face sullen? Do they appear weak or have other symptoms that are not related to a medical condition? Does your relative need assistance when eating, and has someone been helping them with their meals? As a South Salem elder law lawyer would advise, it is important for loved ones of senior residents to visit on a regular basis and keep an eye on how their relative’s health and appearance may change.


Financial Abuse

It can be difficult to identify financial abuse, but it typically entails forcing an elderly person into allowing someone else to access their finances. There are many indications to look out for if you believe that your loved one is being financially abused, such as unaccounted for spending, not knowing where some expenses came from, unusual transferring of money between accounts or to outside accounts, enrolling in services that need monthly payments, and donations to unregistered or unidentified charities.


Mental Abuse

Do not underestimate the impact that mental abuse can have on a person. Your elderly loved one may seem on edge, alert, or otherwise anxious, especially when in the presence of certain staff members. In fact, there may be certain workers that your relative refuses to be helped by it all. A nursing home caregiver may commit abuse on a mental level by being threatening, intimidating, making fun of, isolating, ignoring, shaming, or yelling at a senior resident. Even if the abuse isn’t physical, there is no excuse for it, and families should take action right away if they witness it happening. If you aren’t sure if your relative is being mentally abused, we can investigate further. Contact our South Salem lawyer elder law team from Sweeney Legal, LLC today.