What is Medicaid?

Medicaid Planning CT
Medicaid is a joint federal and state (Connecticut and New York) program that covers nursing home costs for people who meet both financial and health eligibility requirements. Medicaid in some states covers long term care (custodial care) at home, in an assisted living facility (with restrictions), and in a nursing home. There is both an income and assets test to qualify. That means you generally don’t get Medicaid until you are out of money. Medicaid Attorneys are conversant with these rules.
Medicaid Planning
At the end of their lives, many people need assistance with everyday tasks and healthcare. Assisted living and nursing home care are extremely expensive. Without planning with the help of a Medicaid Lawyer from Fairfield County, CT, hard working people are often forced to impoverish themselves to afford that care. Medicaid planning means arranging your property so that your assets go to your family (or other people or organizations that are important to you), rather than to the nursing home. The best time to do Medicaid planning is well before (5 years) entering the nursing home, when time is on your side and choices abound. You may have to develop and implement a plan which includes complex transactions. That is why the advice of an experienced Elder Law attorney like John Sweeney, can give you peace of mind when making these complicated decisions. Remember, it’s never too late to plan.
Advance Planning

Medicaid Planning CT
By engaging in Medicaid planning ahead of time, you retain as much control of your own life as possible, giving yourself the ability to make health and age-related decisions in advance. Normally, this achieves the best results, saves money, and results in orderly situations. The Medicaid rules keep getting tighter and now requires a 5-year look back period. By Medicaid planning can ensure you don’t lose control of your affairs or lose your financial security. Medicaid Lawyers Fairfield County, CT trusts can help you understand all the potential issues.
Crisis Mode
People also consult Elder Lawyers when in the “crisis mode”. Generally this is when there is a sudden event such as a healthcare event, financial problem, or decline in cognitive ability. Elder lawyers are extremely helpful in these situations also, but our ability to help you with medicaid planning can optimize the situation and control the events that may come in the future.
John is a Medicaid Lawyer who combines superior knowledge and experience with kindness, compassion and care. He helps Mom and Dad and the Family. These are difficult times and need a soft hand.
Medicaid Application
When Medicaid planning, it is not a good idea to have a nursing home social worker prepare a Medicaid application for you. Medicaid applications are never “simple” and should not be treated as such. Employees of nursing homes do not have the legal knowledge of Medicaid laws, and do not know to look for issues in your finances which could potentially result in the denial of a Medicaid application the way a knowledgeable Medicaid Attorney does. Furthermore, it is in the Nursing homes’ financial interest for you to be a “private pay” resident rather than a Medicaid resident, so their interests are adverse to yours.
When Medicaid planning, it’s essential to dedicate the time required to ensure that your application is diligently completed. A Medicaid application provides the details of your financial history and needs to be prepared as if it was a case to be tried in court. If your application for Medicaid is not prepared by a knowledgeable Medicaid Lawyer Fairfield County, CT residents turn to, and the application is denied, you may not prevail at a fair hearing (an appeal to an administrative body at the Department of Social Services).
Contact John to help with Medicaid planning, and to ensure that you don’t lose control of your affairs or lose your financials security.
John is a Medicaid Lawyer and knows the unique state laws and issues in Fairfield County, Connecticut and Westchester County, New York which require special planning. So whether you live in Bethel CT or Lewisboro NY, John can help you with Medicaid planning.
Common Medicaid Planning Questions
Although Medicaid planning may be difficult to consider, as you begin to age, it will be important that you start looking towards the future. This is especially true if you want to ensure that your assets are protected. While no person wants to consider the prospect that they may be required to live in an assisted living facility, this may be a reality. By taking the time to properly plan for Medicaid with Sweeney Legal today, you can have peace of mind in knowing that your affairs are in order. We have taken the liberty of answering questions we are frequently asked by families engaged in the Medicaid planning process.
How soon should I start Medicaid planning?
It’s important that you start planning for Medicaid long before the time comes. This can help reduce the risk that you will spend down your assets when paying for long term care. When you apply for Medicaid, the state will look at your assets over the last 60 months, or 5 years. As a result, it’s important that you not wait until you actually need long term care to start planning. Our lawyer can work with you to make sure that your assets are protected so that the process of applying for Medicaid can go as smoothly as possible.
Why should I have a lawyer like John at Sweeney Legal help?
In the long run, hiring a lawyer can help you to save money over time. A lawyer for Medicaid planning can help you to consider your future needs, prepare your Medicaid application, preserve assets for your beneficiaries, and discuss with you what your ideal care might look like. Don’t wait until you are in an emergency situation to contact a lawyer for Medicaid planning, contact Sweeney Legal. We can begin advising you now regarding the most appropriate way to move forward with this process.
Will a lawyer keep my best interests at the forefront of the Medicaid planning process?
This is a primary reason for incorporating the help of a Medicaid planning lawyer. With the help of a lawyer, you can ensure that your interests are kept at the forefront, and your rights are protected. Your lawyer will listen to you and work towards your best possible outcome. We know that in some cases, there may be familial strife as you put into place plans for elder care. Medicaid planning can be stressful, especially considering the expense of a long term care facility. Contacting Sweeney Legal well in advance, can help you to protect your assets and look out for your best interests.
What will happen if I do not engage in Medicaid planning?
When it comes to protecting your assets, Medicaid planning is essential. No one has a crystal ball into the future. Because of this, you will not know whether you will require long term care as you age. The expense of long term care can be substantial, which may result in you completely depleting your assets in order to be able to afford it. Working with an attorney who has experience in Medicaid planning can help you when planning for the future.
The reality is, when you do not engage in Medicaid planning long before the time comes, you may deplete your assets in order to pay for your care. This process can be incredibly complex, especially when dealing with the financial and legal considerations that come with it. Because of this, you will want a trusted and experienced lawyer to help with the Medicaid planning process, call Sweeney Legal today for the help, and peace of mind you deserve today.