Category: Uncategorized

Medicare, Hospitals and Observation Status

Author: Legal Sweeney March 4, 2014 In Uncategorized Comments (0)
Follow the Money, Follow the Money… Medicare Bingo Yes, it is a cat and mouse game where the hospitals try to get as much money from the government as possible….to the detriment of the patient. This one is a classic […]

New Tax Proposal 2-14

Author: Legal Sweeney February 28, 2014 In Uncategorized Comments (0)
Two days ago the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dave Camp put out a new tax proposal. Frankly, I skimmed through it, but didn’t pay much attention. Even the Republican side of the house could not […]

Security vs Freedom

Author: Legal Sweeney January 15, 2014 In Uncategorized Comments (0)
I’m a lawyer and my expertise is Elder, Business and tax law, not Constitutional law. However, I cannot watch events like Ferguson, Occupy Wall Street, G8, and the political parties conventions and not apply my legal thoughts to basic Constitutional […]

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